[Recommendation request] Shared LAMP hosting for dev projects, backups, and WP staging via /r/webhosting

[Recommendation request] Shared LAMP hosting for dev projects, backups, and WP staging

I've done a few WordPress websites for friends and groups, and I want to run separate instances of those website somewhere more stable than my often re-imaged and often crashing laptop running Linux. I want to back up the data from existing WordPress websites onto private copies of those websites running out of my shared hosting account. (The live versions of these websites are already running on servers owned by other people, though I helped set up those serves and still have access.)

Even though the the websites I helped set up are WordPress, I do not want a managed WP solution. I want to try other content management systems, and I may want to use the account to host a couple live websites, at least one of which would be a basic front-end non-CMS website.

I also want to use the account as a playgroud for dev experiments, such as trying out new PHP-based content management systems, and maybe seeing what I can do with cron tasks and other processes.

Desired features

  • PHP 5.6
  • cURL
  • ImageMagick (or some equivalent for image processing — going off the requirements for Perch CMS, which is one that I play with sometimes)
  • intl, fileinfo, mbstring
  • cron
  • ability to access websites by free automatic subdomains or by IP address — no need to associate a domain for every project
  • unlimited websites or projects (not necessarily unlimited bandwidth or server resources)

Advanced wishlist

  • independent host — not EIG, also not GoDaddy
  • SSH support (ability to use SSH to navigate account folders or deploy)
  • some GUI backup and restore interface
  • enough bandwidth and server disc space to run four small WordPress websites
  • nginx (I'm curious and kind of want to try it.)
  • PHP 7 (curious)

I'm not a professional, and I'm not asking for a professional's solution. I don't have a professional's budget. I'm looking for standard PHP hosting that I can use for my hobby projects and to practice as I try to learn more sophisticated dev stuff. I'm not looking for a consumer solution that holds customers' hands and guides them every step of the way. I'm also not looking for virtual servers, because I can't afford to configure a separate droplet for every project that I want to work on.

Eagerly looking forward to recommendations!

Submitted July 10, 2017 at 05:08AM by strivenword
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/webhosting/comments/6me182/recommendation_request_shared_lamp_hosting_for/?utm_source=ifttt

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